Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love it

Kudos to this shop - made me spew my morning coffee all over the keyboard.

I also love the product description.....
All right ladies, home boyz put that Kate Bush album on (The Kick Inside), not too loud, and listen to it all the way through. Do some stretching and slow progressions to "Moving...." (picture one) About the time you get to "Man With Whe Child In His eyes" feast your eyes on picture number two. Look deep inside, open up to that inflection, consider, your imaginary FANTASY YOU. Now you're probably hearing the epic piano roll of "James And The Cold Gun" Check out picture number three, thats right, start jumping around, launch yourself into oblivion, be gay as hell! I mean Jolly! Be a homosexual too, Cus these undies, dont know gender, they dont know shit about being on more than five minutes after you drop your jeans listening to "L'Amour Looks Something Like You" with your special boytoy/ladylove --making out like crazy. I am an object, I make american apparel look subtle. Im the real thing, the worlds fastest underwear are the real thing. Women can get these manties in pantie form upon request, more undies coming out CONSTANTLY in honor of our tutorial debut at ......


  1. What the phuck is going on here, interpretive dance or the peddling of handmade undies??

  2. He looks like he's having fun though...

  3. this is so stinkin funny! it looks like he is dancing in slow motion

  4. Anonymous @ 9:59 is what made me spew my tea all over my laptop!!!!!!!!!! Good lord.

  5. Isn't this the seller that Rokali hyped on CBS Sunday morning TV a few weeks ago? Definitely shot Etsy right off the shopping radar with that lame promo.

  6. Somuchcrap, yes, this is the same seller that made the craptastic shirt that Martha showed the world was poorly made. All their pics are this gross. I need a shower just looking at them.

  7. am i the only one who thinks this dude is kinda hot and pulls off colorblock tighty undies quite well? mmmm... hipster boyz...



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